U prethodnom periodu imali smo priliku da ugostimo Feliksa Buntinga i Vilijama Risa, studente sa čuvenog Univerziteta Oksford koji su došli na stručnu praksu u kompanije Delta Holdinga. Za svoje prvo poslovno internacionalno iskustvo izabrali su Srbiju i Delta Holding. Feliks je svoje prve dane u kompaniji proveo u Delta DMDu i Delta Motorsu, dok je Vilijam praksu započeo u Delta Agraru. U nastavku vam prenosimo njihove utiske.
- Tell us in few words something about yourself? What is your name, where do you come from, where do you study?
Felix Bunting: My name is Felix, and I’m from England, United Kingdom. I was born in London, but grew up in Bradford, a city near Leeds and Manchester. I study at St Anne’s College at the University of Oxford, and have just finished my second year. I study Physics.
William Rees: My name is William Rees. I am originally from Birmingham, England, where I lived with my family until I began university four years ago. I have just graduated with a Masters in Earth Sciences from the University of Oxford.
- What drew you to apply for Delta Holding’s internship program?

Felix Bunting, St. Anne’s College,
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Felix Bunting: I am really interested in the opportunity to work or study abroad after graduating, so I thought working with Delta Holding in Serbia would be a great experience to have. The large range of business areas associated with Delta Holding meant I could also see a variety of work, helping to inform future career plans.
William Rees: The main thing that attracted me to apply to the internship was the chance to work in a different country. It is my first time visiting Serbia and I was excited to experience a new part of the world.
- What were your first impressions of our company (on your first day)? Can you describe your workdays, relationships with colleagues, mentors?
Felix Bunting: My first impressions were being impressed by the size and the influence of the company, and the range of fields it operates in. My colleagues and mentors have been very friendly and helpful.
William Rees: When I arrived on the first day I was initially surprised to discover that the offices I would
William Rees, St. Anne’s College,
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
be working in are above a supermarket! Everyone was very friendly and welcoming. So far my work has predominantly focused on understanding the company and getting to grips with the details of the ongoing projects in Delta Agrar.
- In your opinion, does Delta Holding provide adequate surroundings for young professionals who pursue further development of their knowledge and abilities?
Felix Bunting: From speaking briefly to people about their involvement in the Young Leader Programme, they seem really happy with their experience. However, I don’t know much about it and would like to find out more about the program so ensure my opinions were informed.
William Rees: It is very clear that Delta employs many young professionals, and lots of the people I have spoken to seem to enjoy the work they do. In addition, people have commented on the level of responsibility they are given. Both of these are good indicators of an environment where young professionals can succeed and grow.
- What are your impressions of the internship in Delta Holding comparing to your other internships in Britain? What do you expect to gain from this experience?
Felix Bunting: My internship here has been similar to other internships I have done, in terms of the skills required. Applying these skills to analytics has been interested. I hope to gain an awareness of business, with a range of fields and professions, alongside insight into living and working abroad.
William Rees: Previous internships have centered around completing one project over the entire time, or lots of smaller tasks. In contrast, this internship has instead focused more on acquiring an understanding of the company and a holistic view of how it functions.
- What was (or still is) the most challenging part of the program?
Felix Bunting: The most challenging part of the program is adapting to life in a country and company where, although English levels are good, the default language in Serbian. This means that work instructions, documentation, and general living, all have an increased level of complexity.
William Rees: I think the most difficult part of the program has been the language barrier. Although most people speak with a high level of English, as all the business documents are in Serbian it makes it difficult for me to contribute meaningful outputs.
- What is the most valuable thing you have learnt?
Felix Bunting: The most valuable thing I have learnt is the relationship between the computation and mathematical skills I have, and how they can be applied within business.
William Rees: Through the reading during my time here I have learnt a lot about different accounting and financial metrics. In addition from meeting people and being involved in ongoing projects I have gained an insight into project lifecycles.
- What are your impressions of Serbia and Belgrade? Did you get any chance to explore the city?
Felix Bunting: As I’m staying in New Belgrade, I have explored New Belgrade during the week, and have gone into the old city at the weekends. It is very different to cities within the UK, and I have really enjoyed learning about the Belgrade and Serbia. I’m looking forward to travelling to Novi Sad this weekend.
William Rees: I have had a fair amount of time to explore Belgrade during the evenings and on the weekends. My impressions of Belgrade are generally positive. I think the thing I like least about Belgrade is the public transport system, which is a lot more dated than I am used to! Nonetheless, lots of the parts of the city are extremely pleasant and pretty, and I have enjoyed visiting lots of nice restaurants and bars near the rivers.
- Do you have any suggestions to improve the program for next generation of foreign interns?
Felix Bunting: For most of the first two weeks of the program, I was mainly reading about the company. Whilst this was interesting, it would be a lot more exciting and rewarding to contribute more directly to the work of the business.
William Rees: I think for future foreign interns it will be important to have a more comprehensive plan for what work they will do during their time in Serbia. I think people usually expect to have more specific tasks to complete to give them a better idea of what every day work consists of.
- Would you recommend this program to your friends and colleagues?
Felix Bunting: The experience of living and working abroad is one I would recommend to anyone. The large range of businesses and professions is very helpful.
William Rees: I think particularly with more specific tasks to complete this would be an extremely interesting and rewarding experience. I would definitely recommend it to other people.